Being Resilient to the Challenges

 Living in the Philippines is challenging for me because the Philippines is known as a dangerous country because of the many disasters that occur in this place. The first natural disaster is typhoon because the Philippines is surrounded by bodies of water . The second natural disaster is volcanic eruption because the Philippines is surrounded by many volcanoes, and Mayon Volcano is known for being active and erupting every year.

The Philippines face significant challenges due to its geographic location. We know that we are in Pacific Ring of Fire, making it obviously susceptible to any natural disaster like I said in the first paragraph. Philippines is also affected by climate change. The frequent occurrence of these natural hazards has been exposed to the Philippines because of the country weakness in natural disasters.

In conclusion, people in this country need to help each other to prevent any risk and danger effect on his disaster. This country is also known for being resilient because many disasters came into this country. The first problem is flooding. We know that the cause of flood is the blockage of canals because of any material that trash in everywhere, especially in rivers. The government is making some action and programs to prevent this crisis. the government also provides the needs of people in this country whenever this happen.



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