The Best Version of Myself

    My name is Joel Ragonton Jr. My father’s name is Joel Ragonton Sr. and My mother’s name is Nora Pacleb. I live in Tamag, Vigan City. I am the youngest in the family. I was born on December 1, 2008. I have a three sisters and a three brothers and I use to be the favorite. We live in the same house but the other was living in other house.

    I use to be the named laziest person in our home because they say that I am not doing anything household chores or household works. But I know myself that I am doing my responsibilities. I play basketball every weekend and do  household chores. I am labeled to be the most positive person In our house because I set the mood and vibe.

    My goal is to be the best player of the family and the most successful person in our bloodline. My desired future career is to be an captain of the army because I want to be the leader and be the shield of the family when problems comes to our way, even though I am the youngest in our family. I want to repay my family from all of the sacrifices and the efforts that they have given me and did for me. I hope to fulfill my goal to be an aspiring best football player in the country or the world rather. My very last plan for my family is to give them a beautiful and wonderful life in the future, I want to  have a 2 children—a boy and a girl, someday.



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